Day #357 (Sun., Dec. 26, 2010) – Little Katie’s First Boxing Day

It was a rather rough night last night, so we all slept in this morning. It appears as long as little Katie is napping we will be trying to catch up on our sleep as well. Today is Boxing Day here in Canada. There are usually lots of sales, but since this is a Sunday,…

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Day #356 (Sat., Dec. 25, 2010) – Little Katie’s First Christmas

7:30am – My mother and I are up and about and we hear some commotion coming from the bedroom. Is little Katie about to experience her first Christmas morning soon? We delayed our Christmas breakfast this morning so that little Katie could sleep. The longer she sleeps, the more rested she will be, and the…

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Day #355 (Fri., Dec. 24, 2010) – Katie’s First Flight

After only about 3-4 hours of sleep my wife and I drove to the airport. We decided to park the car in “daily parking” so it will be easy to access when we fly back to the US. Little Katie slept on the first leg of the journey to Newark. I wished that I had…

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Day #354 (Thu., Dec. 23, 2010) – Jose Feliciano

They let us off work at noon today so we could have a bit of a longer holiday season. That was nice…now I will have a bit more time to pack for our trip tomorrow. I was watching a bit of the Jimmy Fallon show courtesy of TiVo this afternoon. Jose Feliciano started to play…

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