Day #1092 (Sun., Dec. 30, 2012) – Homemade Palm Trees

My wife made a couple of palm trees out of our floor lamps, some construction paper, and Amazon packing paper (see photo to the left). They look great. Katie and I were playing on the bed this morning when Katie decided that she wanted her doctor’s kit. When I suggested she go get it she…

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Day #1091 (Sat., Dec. 29, 2012) – Helen’s Birthday Party

Katie’s friend Helen who lives down the street had a birthday this morning. My wife took her over via stroller from 10am to 11:30am. Princess Tea Party was the theme (see photo to the left) and about four girls attended. The girls started off by making crafts, such as a door knocker and a mug…

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Day #1090 (Fri., Dec. 28, 2012) – Remembering The Yogurt Pump

I took today off of work. I will also be taking Monday off so it will be quite a nice little vacation with the family. I go back to work next Wednesday…the day after New Years. Katie got into the marshmallows today. You can see the result in the photo to the left. We took…

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Day #1089 (Thu., Dec. 27, 2012) – Feeding Toy Animals

Kate has learned to draw her hand (see photo to the right). aAs soon as I got home from work this evening Katie said that she had something to show me. It was a piece of pink thread. She has always been this way…bringing something to daddy as a sort of “introduction”. I mentioned how…

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