Day #1088 (Wed., Dec. 26, 2012) – The Day After

Katie woke up before 7 am, crying. My wife went to get her and Katie told her: “Mommy, I fell down on the floor. All by myself”. This child sure loves the floor…especially to sleep on. It is raining cats & dogs this morning so I took the time to explain to Katie how the…

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Day #1087 (Tue., Dec. 25, 2012) – Merry Christmas Katie!

We were supposed to Skype my mother around 8am this morning when Katie was up opening her gifts. Considering the fact that she didn’t go to bed til around midnight that was not to be. Katie got up at 10am, and we had our Skype then. We actually had dualing Skype sessions as Katie opened…

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Day #1086 (Mon., Dec. 24, 2012) – Tracking Santa

We called up NORAD this morning to see where Santa was. They told us that he is in Malaysia. When Katie heard this she wanted to go see him. I told her that he would be here soon. For Day #7 of Christmas we gave Katie a Mr. Potato Head doll. She took great delight…

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Day #1085 (Sun., Dec. 23, 2012) – Potty Training Day #2

Happy Festivus for the Rest Of Us! Today is Day #6 of the days of Christmas. I had some whey brownie mix wrapped up but my wife already made brownies so we switched the gift of Day #7 with Day #6. Katie now has another package of balloons. We are back to potty training Katie…

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