Day #1417 (Wed., Nov. 20, 2013) – Cat Throwing…

Katie wanted to take the day off school and go to the zoo. Apparently she wanted to see the elephants. We told her that we had to go to work today. She replied that school was her work. The photo to the right shows Robin playing with the “snake” toy my wife bought him. When…

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Day #1416 (Tue., Nov. 19, 2013) – Scared Of Ghost-es

Katie woke up around 3:30am this morning. My wife brought her to the master bedroom so she could see daddy. Katie said that she was afraid of “Ghost-es” (her word for ghosts). My wife and I have pledged to reduce her viewing of scary shows like Scooby-Doo. Even though she likes them they are not…

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Day #1415 (Mon., Nov. 18, 2013) – Kittie Toys

We are having a hard time in getting Katie to keep the cat food in the bowls. She will take handfuls of them to “feed the kitties”, but when they don’t eat she ends up leaving the food beside them. Not only that, she will sometimes take the little treats and throw them at the…

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Day #1414 (Sun., Nov. 17, 2013) – Exploring The Hallway

I’m still recovering from the cold/flu and my wife was not feeling well. This, and the fact that Katie just wanted to stay home and play with the kittens meant that we had a relaxing day at home. Katie has gotten into the habit of chasing the kittens around and offering them pieces of dry…

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