Day #1413 (Sat., Nov. 16, 2013) – The Cat Tree

The kittens have adjusted quite well to their new surroundings. When I got up they were running around the living room having fun and Katie was beside herself with glee. The Cat Tree (see photo to the left) was delivered this afternoon and when my wife came and got me I decided that I would…

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Day #1412 (Fri., Nov. 15, 2013) – The Lost Kitties

I got up in the middle of night to check on the kitties. My wife heard me as I was walking back to the bedroom and soon we were both up playing with the kitties. Katie went to school today and I guess told everyone she met that she had two new kitties at home.…

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Day #1411 (Thu., Nov. 14, 2013) – Batman & Robin

I had a dentist appointment this morning so I decided that I would take the whole day off work. While I was in the chair I got an email that the mini-home in Nova Scotia had closed…nice to get that done. I picked my wife up at noon so that we could go out to…

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Day #1410 (Wed., Nov. 13, 2013) – Wal-Mart Glasses

I had an optometrist meeting this afternoon and it was deemed that I needed reading glasses. I guess at my age it was bound to happen. I wanted my wife to help me pick out frames so I went home to pick her up. When the selection at the optometrist was less than satisfactory we…

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