Day #1441 (Sat., Dec. 14, 2013) – Christmas Parade No Show

The more I think about it the name of this website, “Baby Comments” is quite appropriate. Katie will always be our baby, and she sure comes up with some interesting comments. For example, today she said “Don’t touch my pills – they are private property!”. Where does she come up with this stuff. Rainy and…

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Day #1440 (Fri., Dec. 13, 2013) – Up Late With Daddy

We had handymen in our house for a lot of the day. As a result my wife could not take a nap, so by the time I got home from work she was beat. I took over tending to Katie while she rested. They say that you can expect a child to have an attention…

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Day #1439 (Thu., Dec. 12, 2013) – Daddy/Kid Books

My wife put some Christmas lights on the tree at the end of our driveway. They get their energy via solar from the sun. You can see them in the photo to the right. I found out something rather interesting today. One of the “Hot Sellers” in books is Daddy/Kid Craft and Project books. In…

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Day #1438 (Wed., Dec. 11, 2013) – Snowman Figure

We had a department Christmas Party at work today. On the tables in front of us, at strategic locations, were little figurines of snowmen. The person sitting right next to me had one in front of her and liked it so much that she took it with her. As I was leaving my boss called…

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