Category: 5th Year (2014)
Day #1822 (Tue., Dec. 30, 2014) – Katie’s First iPad Experience
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Violet came over to take care of Katie today. She came armed with an iPad and showed Katie an app where you can give a lion a hairdoo. It appears that the lion interacts with you in regards to whether it likes it or not. At any rate, it was a hit. Oh oh…we were…
Read MoreDay #1821 (Mon., Dec. 29, 2014) – Another Gallon Of Tinsel Beam
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Izzi is taking care of Katie today. We keep forgetting to ask her to show Katie how to play the tuba. I’m sure Katie would get a kick out of it. My wife went to Duke for a doctor’s visit today. As there was no ultrasound we decided that I didn’t need to go with…
Read MoreDay #1820 (Sun., Dec. 28, 2014) – Zoey Comes To Visit
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The photo to the left shows the fake mouse that I picked up for the cats at the pet store yesterday. I painted little Bobby’s room this morning with the 75% reduction of Tinsel Beam paint I picked up the other day. It is not too much darker than the white prime so it was…
Read MoreDay #1819 (Sat., Dec. 27, 2014) – Birthday Cake Shopping
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I went to the pet store this morning to get some more cat food. They gave me a number of free samples of various foods when I told them that I had a fussy cat (i.e.: Batman). I picked up a toy mouse that is made out of real rabbit fur. The lady told me…
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