Category: 8th Year (2017)
Day #2586 (Wed., Feb. 1, 2017) – I’m Still Standing
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Katie seems to get really energetic and almost “wild” before bedtime. I think a lot of the problem is that she doesn’t get enough running around at school these days. When I was a kid we used to get a lot of running around at recess, lunch, and after school. Katie doesn’t even get much…
Read MoreDay #2585 (Tue., Jan. 31, 2017) – Katie Draws A Rooster
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I worked from home today. My wife went to work and dropped Katie off at Glenwood as well. This morning at Glenwood they had a “party” to celebrate all those kids who have had birthdays in the past couple of months. My wife helped to organize this party. If you happen to be one of…
Read MoreDay #2584 (Mon., Jan. 30, 2017) – Homeschooling Helen
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My wife told me that Susan is considering homeschooling Helen in a year or so. Bobby loves to play with the school bus shown in the photo to the right. I will sing “Wheels On The Bus” and move the various parts and he eats it up… Ginger found her way over to our house…
Read MoreDay #2583 (Sun., Jan. 29, 2017) – Daddy’s Scar
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The photo to the right shows what is causing daddy so much pain. Ouch! What a scar! My wife took Katie over to Wyatt’s place this morning for a play date. I tended to Bobby on the bed. As long as he doesn’t move and wiggle too much I am fine. James worked outside and…
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