Day #2570 (Mon., Jan. 16, 2017) – MLK Day

It’s MLK Day here in the US so both my wife and I are off work and Katie is off school. Bobby is, well, like everyday, roaming around and having fun. Bobby threw up in the middle of the night so both my wife and I slept in this morning. We were exhausted caring for…

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Day #2569 (Sun., Jan. 15, 2017) – The Day After…

Well, Katie’s birthday party is over for another year. Time to clean up the house today. You can see one of the musical pillow cases in the photo to the left. Time to put them away now… Katie spent the day on a plate day at Wyatt’s house today. They could not come to Katie’s…

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Day #2568 (Sat., Jan. 14, 2017) – Katie’s Birthday Party

We celebrated Katie’s birthday this afternoon. Sarah took her to Celeste’s birthday party in the morning. Lots to do in regards to getting ready for a party like this. I put cheese in the shape of music notes on the end of skewers (see photo to the left). Lucy and Arnesa and her family came…

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Day #2567 (Fri., Jan. 13, 2017) – Wall Spinner

Tomorrow is the day in which we will be celebrating Katie’s 7th Birthday! Yes, it is finally here! My wife took the day off work to clean up the plate. There is a lot to do before everyone arrives tomorrow afternoon. Instead of having the tables in the dining room my wife moved them to…

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