Day #5079 (Sat., Dec. 2, 2023) – Packaging Advent Gifts

I was up till 2:30 am in the morning putting the associated gifts with the corresponding slots on the Advent Calendars for the kids. The photo to the right shows the gifts under the tree, ready to open on the corresponding day. My wife took the kids to viola/violin lessons in which Kate (not our…

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Day #5036 (Fri., Oct. 20, 2023) – Middle School Dance

I picked Bobby up at Glenwood this afternoon as the bus schedule has been erratic as of late. It actually came an hour late the other day. When we got home I made Bobby a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich. He said he prefers strawberry jam over grape jelly. My wife picked up Katie…

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Day #5005 (Tue., Sept. 19, 2023) – Little Bear & Scooby Doo Nostalgia

Bobby is very excited about his new scooter, which, if all goes well, will come tomorrow.  He was asking how long it would take to charge and the like.  When he learned that it will take about 24 hours to charge he asked if we could take it out after martial arts class on Thursday.…

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Day #4968 (Sun., Aug. 13, 2023) – Daddy/Daughter Chat #2

Today Katie and I had Daddy/Daughter Chat Day #2.  For starters I took her to the Carolina Coffee Shop on Franklin Street because it is the oldest original restaurant in Chapel Hill, and we have free parking on a nearby lot on Sunday.  They don’t serve blender drinks, so we ended up at the Starbucks…

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