Day #1364 (Sat., Sept. 28, 2013) – DD#3 A Wal-Mart Halloween

I’m putting up a new mailbox for Alfred, our neighbor, and went to Home Depot and Lowe’s for supplies this morning. I got caught in traffic for a UNC football game, so it took longer than I thought. My wife was not feeling well so I took care of Katie this evening. As usual, Katie…

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Day #1316 (Sun., Aug. 11, 2013) – Daddy/Daughter Day #2

The photo to the left shows some of the “goodies” that my wife picked up at the consignment sale yesterday. Katie wanted to play in the pool this morning but I managed to delay her til she had at least a bit of breakfast. She said she wanted “milk and raisins but no Cheerios”. That’s…

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Day #1278 (Thu., July 4, 2013) – Daddy/Daughter Day #1

I’m off work today as it is July 4th. My wife wanted to do some work around the house so I figured it would be a great time to implement the Father/Daughter Days that I’ve been talking about. The plan is to spend one day a month exclusively with Katie. As she gets older she…

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