Day #5173 (Tue., Mar. 5, 2024) – “Super Tuesday”

Today is “Super Tuesday” in the States, so the schools are being used as polling locations. As a result, there is a “Teacher Work Day” (yet another), and the kids are home. My wife spent a lot of time cleaning the basement this afternoon. She took yet another van load to the dump on the…

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Day #5164 (Sun., Feb. 25, 2024) – Elle Fanning Drawing?

My back is bothering me so I slept in till after noon. When I got up, Bobby was going to bed for a nap, and then my wife. I went to Panera Bread for a cup of coffee and told Katie to text me when Bobby got up as I would stop by McDonalds and…

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Day #4574 (Fri., July 15, 2022) – Checks Arrive!

The two checks arrived from Social Security, just like they said they would (see photo to the right). I had Daddy/Daughter Day #120 with Katie this afternoon.  We went to the McDonald’s near where CiCi used to work.  She got the “2 Cheeseburger Meal” with a Cherry Slushie, which is her norm as of late. …

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