Day #2460 (Wed., Sept. 28, 2016) – Another Gatorific Award

I took Katie to school this morning. She is very excited as it is the day she will get another “Gatorific Award”. The Gatorific Award Ceremony started at 11:30am. There was no time for Katie to have lunch with her classmates…she needed to finish her lunch in her classroom. One by one each of the…

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Day #2448 (Fri., Sept. 16, 2016) – Banana Monster

I’m back to work today and drove Katie to Glenwood on the way. She told me that her favorite time of the day is recess because she gets to play “Banana Monster” with her friends. I guess Elle is the Banana Monster and tries to catch the other girls who play (i.e.: Katie, Murren, and…

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