Day #3861 (Sat., Aug. 1, 2020) – NHL Hockey Is Back

We had a family drive around Chapel Hill this morning. Of course, nobody was wearing a mask. When will these people learn? You can see the lineup for food at Trader Joe’s in the photo to the left. Maple sat on Katie’s lap during the drive today. She loves drives. We brought water for Bobby…

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Day #2502 (Wed., Nov. 9, 2016) – Arnesa Is Back

Katie made a musical score in chaulk in front of our house (see photo to the left). Arnesa is back! She was able to come to our place this morning and tend to Bobby so that my wife could go to a doctor’s appointment. I missed our 10am status call yesterday as I was tending…

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Day #2402 (Mon., Aug 1, 2016) – Arnesa Is Back

Arnesa is back doing nanny duties as of today. Both her and her husband stopped by this morning to see the kids and drop off gifts. She brought a lovely bouquet of chocolate strawberries for Katie (see photo to the left). Today is the first day of science camp at Kidzoo for Katie. I dropped…

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Day #2318 (Mon., May 9, 2016) – Happy Birthday Mommy

The photo to the left shows the downed trees in Steve and Genevieve’s back yard. They ruined the plumbing so they are coming over to our house to use the bathroom now. On the drive to Glenwood this morning Katie was not paying attention so the count to 100 was rather slow. I stopped the…

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