Day #171 (Wed., June 23, 2010) – The “Around We Go” Activity Station

I’m off to work early this morning…again. Hard to believe that I’m the guy who had a hard time getting to work before 9:30am… Kids sure make you adjust your schedule… My mother-in-law is taking little Katie out for a stroll this morning. Apparently for the past little while, once they are out for a…

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Day #170 (Tue., June 22, 2010) – Daddy Don’t You Walk So Fast

5:42am – It’s time for me to go to work again. Hard to believe…I’m the guy who had a hard time getting to work before 9:30am. Once you have a child it seems that your schedule gradually switches to “morning”… Sounds like there was a lot going on at home today. I guess that little…

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