Day #2602 (Fri., Feb. 17, 2017) – The “Real” PJ Day At Glenwood

Katie wore her “glow in the dark” owl pajamas to Glenwood this morning. Today is the “real” pajama day. Afterward dropping Katie off I drove to Walgreens on MLK to get Bobby’s prescription for hydrocortisone cream. They had some problems figuring out his deductible so I’m wondering if I should switch back to the Walgreens…

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Day #2315 (Fri., May 6, 2016) – PT For Daddy

I drove Katie to school and then drove on to work. She counted to 100 in the car and then we did some addition and subtraction problems. After her “morning exercises” we chatted a bit about life and stuff. This is our morning ritual and provides us with some valuable time to connect. Bobby sure…

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