Day #5177 (Sat., Mar. 9, 2024) – Bobby’s 9th Birthday Party

Since we are leaving for Courtenay on Sunday, and Bobby’s actual birthday is on Monday, we decided that we would have it today! The guests, Ethan, Lucia, and her brother, arrived at 3 pm and left shortly after 5 pm. Bobby wanted to have just a few friends over today, which is fine. It’s his…

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Day #4664 (Thu., Oct. 13, 2022) – Stuck Earring!

I took Bobby to school this morning.  We got there real early, in fact we were the second car in line and had to wait 10 minutes for the doors to open.  Why?  My wife had to take Katie to Urgent Care as soon as it opens as part of her earring is stuck in…

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