Day #3207 (Wed., Oct. 17, 2018) – Firetruck At Bobby’s Preschool

They had a visit from a firetruck at Bobby’s preschool today. Miss Jane was the name of the lady who showed them around (not sure if she is a firefighter or not). He got a black plastic firefighter helmet as a present (see photo to the left). While Bobby was at school I went to…

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Day #646 (Tue., Oct 11, 2011) – Oswald And Tele-Tubbie DVD’s

Katie got up at 1:15am and I wasn’t able to put her back to bed til after 4am. We did manage to make some blueberry coffee cake in the meantime. It will be ready for my wife when she wakes up. When we moved Katie’s books to the book rack a couple of days ago…

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Day #82 (Fri., Mar. 26, 2010) – The Calm Down Song

We took little Katie out in the car today and she started to act up. I started to sing the “Chipy-Chipy Chimpunk” song and she calmed down and went right to sleep. Note to self… My wife went to another baby sale today. This time she got a big bag of toys for about $20.…

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