Day #3733 (Thu., Mar. 26, 2020) – Bobby’s New Haircut

Bobby’s hair was becoming unmanageable so my wife took the scissors to it (see photo to the left).  Not a bad job.  Saved us a few $$$.  We’re certainly not going to venture out into the “corona virus infested” world to get a haircut! I wonder how CiCi is doing these days?  She moved to…

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Day #2665 (Fri., Apr. 21, 2017) – Bobby’s New Haircut

On the drive to Glenwood this morning Katie told me that Theo is her brother in the “Game of Mango” that they play. This Mango Game seems to get more involved all the time. Katie sure loves it. Mr. Rathbun canceled the meeting for this afternoon. Family matter to attend to. It has been rescheduled…

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