Day #2860 (Sat., Nov. 4, 2017) – Katie Gets A Medal

My wife drove me to Urgent Care this morning as our doctor does not see people on the weekends. Mike, our neighbor, came over to tend to Katie. Bobby was still asleep when we returned. I got some more antibiotics. My wife took the cats to the vet this morning, along with Katie and Bobby.…

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Day #2501 (Tue., Nov. 8, 2016) – Election Day

Today is election day here in the United States so there was no school for Katie. The whole country is on pins & needles waiting for the outcome of Clinton vs. Trump. We will know by tonight…or at least in the weee hours of tomorrow. My wife has an appointment to take the cats to…

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Day #1776 (Fri., Nov. 14, 2014) – Daddy’s Back

I caught the early morning flight out of Orlando and arrived back in Raleigh around noon. As I was driving up our driveway I could see Katie coming to greet me at the door. Of course she wanted to see her present. Last night when I told her that I bought the present for her…

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