Day #61 (Fri., Mar. 5, 2010) – Mother’s Hair

Little Katie has not been herself since the trip to the doctor. She seems more fussy and sometimes it takes a lot to calm her down. What can you expect when someone you hardly know sticks you with needles? My wife was taking little Katie to the changing table and she grabbed a hold of…

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Day #8 (Mon., Jan. 11, 2010) – The Gator Diaper Bag

2:30am – Little Katie is a little over one week old. My wife and I are both up and we hear our little one squeaking in the crib next to our bed. 8:15am – What a blessing this last night was. Katie was up only once, but slept through the night for the most part.…

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Day #7 (Sun., Jan. 10, 2010) – “Everything Old Is New Again”

1:00am – Little Katie is a bundle of energy and doing her best to see how long we can go without sleep. I got a hot cup of milk and some crackers for my wife and she is going to try to catch “40 Winks”. Little Katie is resting in her crib now. Let’s see…

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