Day #2114 (Sun., Oct. 18, 2015) – Little Bobby’s Upper Tooth

The photo to the left shows the spreadsheet that my wife uses to track little Bobby’s sleep pattern. When he arose and when he went back to bed. Katie is feeling much better today. The medicine appears to be kicking in. Little Bobby likes to be raised into the air. I will count 1-2 and…

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Day #1546 (Sat., Mar. 29, 2014) – Visitors Tonight

The name “Goldfish” must be trademarked or something. At Trader Joe’s they have “Rockets” and at WholeFoods they have “Cheddar Bunnies” (see photo to the right). Can’t they just call them “Goldfish”??? We are having Donovan and his wife over this evening so I stopped off at Trader Joe’s this morning for supplies. We needed…

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