Day #2643 (Thu., Mar. 30, 2017) – The Nanny From Equador

The photo to the left shows the children’s ibuprofen we are currently using. Katie hated the bubble gum flavored medicine so the berry flavor is the alternative. We are getting the “two pack” as we have two kids and we seem to be going through a lot of the stuff as of late. This evening…

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Day #2477 (Sat., Oct. 15, 2016) – Picking Out Pumpkins

The plans were to take the van and go pumpkin picking with the kids but it was not to be. It sounded real funny and started to shake soon after I got out of the driveway so we took it home. We’ll get Lloyd’s Tire to look at it on Monday. Before we could take…

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Day #1161 (Sat., Mar. 9, 2013) – The Roughest Night Yet

Remember me mentioning the construction paper pumpkin with face features? I thought I would add a photo so you could see what I meant (to the right). We were up til the wee hours this morning tending to Katie. She just would not sleep…at least for extended periods of time. She would cry and cry…

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Day #889 (Sun., June 10, 2012) – Katie Has A Fever

Katie was up early and has a fever of 100 degrees. She told me wife “I want to have a banana to make my tummy feel better”. My wife called our doctor friend in Charlotte and she suggested that we have some children’s ibuprofen handy in case he fever gets worse towards the evening. So,…

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