Day #4940 (Sun., July 16, 2023) – Walmart Donuts (6 For $3.97)

My wife took Bobby to the Clark Pool to that he could meet up with Ethan.  They swam for about two hours and then came home and played online.  Katie had a headache so she stayed home and even had a nap mid-day. I went to Walmart this afternoon as we were out of milk. …

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Day #4921 (Tue., June 27, 2023) – Flight Of The Bumblebee

This morning I gave Bobby the Batman car that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day (see photo to the right).  I was thinking that it would be perfect for the Hot Wheels track that we bought for Bobby at Walmart a while back.  Unfortunately, it was too tall to fit into…

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Day #4919 (Sun., June 25, 2023) – Homemade Subway Sub

Bobby’s iPad died so we ordered him a new one last night and low and behold it was on our doorstep at 7 am today! My wife took the kids to the Clark Pool this afternoon and I ran to Aldi to pick up some snacks for viola/violin camp which starts tomorrow.  While there I…

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Day #4564 (Tue., July 5, 2022) – Clark Pool

Bobby lost another tooth last night while his mother was putting him to bed (see photo to the left). I took the kids to the Clark Pool in Carrboro for the first time this year.  In fact, I don’t think I took the kids to Clark Pool since 2019.  In both summers of 2020 &…

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