Day #1913 (Tue., Mar. 31, 2015) – One Rough Night/Morning!

Tonight was a rough night. Little Bobby was up from about noon yesterday and finally fell asleep at 3:30am this morning. There were moments of naps…but nothing of consequence. Once 3:30am rolled around my exhausted wife put little Bobby in the bouncy seat and went off to bed. I stayed up with him hoping he…

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Day #1712 (Thu., Sep. 11, 2014) – Clingy Katie

The photo to the left shows the paper plate lion that Katie made in school yesterday. Katie woke up just a bit after 8 am this morning. My wife spent about 10 minutes brushing tangles out of her hair, watching My Little Pony, and getting ready for school. They almost reached MLK when my wife…

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Day #708 (Mon., Dec 12, 2011) – Clingy Katie

When Katie got up this morning I took her out of the crib and she was very “clingy” to me. I went to make her some milk and she sat and cried. Once I got her the milk she wanted to sit with me in the LazyBoy and cuddle. Only the sure fix “Caillou” would…

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