Day #5200 (Mon., Apr. 1, 2024) – April Fools!

The photo to the left shows the note that I “planned” to put on Bobby’s bedroom door early this morning before he woke up. It’s April Fools today! Alas, he was already awake as I entered the room. His mother also found the note later today, so the “trick” was spoiled. I asked him if…

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Day #4946 (Sat., July 22, 2023) – Julie & Julia

In the photo to the right you can see the “Corn On The Cobb” that I picked up at Harris-Teeter the other day.  The kids love them when I cook them for 8 minutes in the air fryer.  Swab them with butter and you are good to go! This afternoon Katie, my wife, and I…

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Day #4939 (Sat., July 15, 2023) – Mentos & Coke

My wife took Katie and Bobby to the last viola/violin “Group Lesson” for the summer.  They will take a bit of a break before starting back up in the fall. I finally got a chance to do the “Mentos & Coke” experiment with Katie and Bobby this afternoon.  After seeing some YouTube videos online, I…

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Day #4938 (Fri., July 14, 2023) – Cobb House

Today is the last day of Spence’s Farm Camp.  Katie was not feeling well so she stayed home today, but Bobby went.  When I picked him up this afternoon he was climbing the tree next to the farm house with Ethan, one of their favorite activities. My wife gave me another list of things to…

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