Day #5185 (Sun., Mar. 17, 2024) – St. Patrick’s Day

It’s St. Patrick’s Day today. We didn’t have a really big celebration this year, but while at the Dollar Store this afternoon to look for “Heavy Duty” aluminum foil I looked for some St. Patrick’s Day candy for the kids. None was available, but I did get each kid a bag of Cotton Candy. Bobby…

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Day #5163 (Sat., Feb. 24, 2024) – “Parvo Virus”

Katie went to viola class and then and ice skating lessons this morning. Leah was home sick, and the last thing we need is for Bobby to injure his other wrist, so she went alone. My wife took her to the Dollar Store afterwards and they picked up some cotton candy. You can see Bobby…

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Day #4818 (Thu., Mar. 16, 2023) – Cotton Candy

I had a tub of cotton candy in the Camry this morning for Bobby to enjoy on the drive to Glenwood (see photo to the left). When I picked Bobby up this afternoon he was upset that he was not able to ride the bus home.  They need to work the schedule, so perhaps in…

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Day #4817 (Wed., Mar. 15, 2023) – Canada Quiz

On the way to Glenwood this morning I gave Bobby a “Canada Quiz”.  Topics like is Victoria on the south or north end of Vancouver Island?  What province is Victoria in?  Stuff like that…  He did pretty good.  I also told him that he will be able to try out “Tim Hortons” and visit “Canadian…

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