Day #2838 (Fri., Oct. 13, 2017) – “Non Stop Talking” Bobby

Katie and Bobby love the creepy crawlies that live outside our house. You can see one of the critters in the photo to the left. All the kids at Bobby’s preschool seem to love him…especially the girls. I wonder if this is because he talks non-stop? My wife drove me to the doctor this afternoon…

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Day #501 (Thu., May 19, 2011) – Swiss Gear Canopy Is “Up”

I finished off the Swiss Gear Canopy today. There is a gutter to deal with any rain that may come our way, and the entrance is all “duct taped” up to keep all the creepy crawlies out. My wife and our babysitter finished duct taping the rest of the assembly. You can see the finished…

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Day #178 (Wed., June 30, 2010) – Bomb Scare?

Just before I left for work this morning my wife brought little Katie to me to say good-bye. She is going out for a stroll. Of course she gave me that precious smile when I waved to her and said “Hi”… Little Katie spent a lot of time out on the patio getting some fresh…

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