Day #2183 (Sat., Dec. 26, 2015) – Boxing Day

I’m feeling a bit better so I decided that Katie and I would have Daddy/Daughter Day #36 today. There doesn’t seem to be much out there in the way of movies, and she has been looking for people to play with her, so I decided we would stay at home and play with her presents.…

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Day #2134 (Sat., Nov. 7, 2015) – Making A Jungle Game

It was a miserable day here in Chapel Hill. It rained and rained so we decided to stay at home rather than venture out too much. My wife went to bed for a nap in the afternoon so I tended to little Bobby and Katie. Katie was very good in playing and talking with little…

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Day #2125 (Thu., Oct. 29, 2015) – Pumpkin Carving

I dropped Katie off at school this morning. This is the first time this week as I have been out sick. She managed to snag a Tootsie Roll candy from the stash of Halloween candies I picked up last night and asked me to open it for her. When we arrived at Glenwood she was…

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