Day #1280 (Sat., July 6, 2013) – Sandbox Sand

As we were having breakfast this morning my wife and I got talking about getting a carpenter to make a sandbox for Katie. I brought up the idea of getting a couple of bags of sand to put in her turtle pool/sandbox to see how much she really would play in one. Before you know…

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Day #1160 (Fri., Mar. 8, 2013) – Daddy’s Little Shadow

I’m not feeling well and have started to sneeze so I figured I had better work from home today. I went and got breakfast before Katie got up and Becca was playing with her most of the day so I really didn’t see her til she got up from her afternoon nap. This is good.…

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Day #1115 (Tue., Jan. 22, 2013) – Daddy’s Little Shadow

Katie is still making messages as you can see in the photo to the right. I stopped off at Trader Joe’s on the way home from work this evening. We are low on supplies. I keep forgetting to get stickers for Katie. Too bad they don’t give out helium balloons anymore…Katie would really like those.…

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