Day #4314 (Thu., Oct. 28, 2021) – Retro Day

It’s “Retro Day” at Katie’s school today. My wife did her hair up (see photo to the left). Doesn’t she look delighted? We had Aldi delivery today. As is the norm, once we have Aldi delivery, the kids have pizza for lunch. Why? Because the pizza is so big that the sooner we can get…

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Day #2164 (Mon., Dec. 7, 2015) – “Bigger Than A Breadbox” On The Way To School

My wife did Katie’s hair up nicely this morning. You can see the finished result in the photo to the right. Katie wanted to do “Bigger Than A Breadbox” on the way to Glenwood school this morning. She thought of an owl and I was trying to figure out what it was when Katie told…

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