Tag: Ear Infection
Day #5533 – (Fri., Feb. 28, 2025) – Bobby’s Ear Infection
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Bobby threw up last night so no school for him today. Katie went to school though. Katie had a hard time opening her thermos at school today. As it turns out, the seal was loose (see photo to the right)! My wife took Bobby to Urgent Care this evening and he has an ear infection.…
Read MoreDay #4997 (Mon., Sept. 11, 2023) – Cane’s Storefront
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Today is the “911 Anniversary”. My oh my how time flies! My wife took both kids to the doctor this morning. Bobby has an ear infection and nobody seems sure what virus or “whatever” Katie has. I took a drive around town and see that they are working on the storefront of Cane’s (see photo…
Read MoreDay #4702 (Sun., Nov. 20, 2022) – Bobby’s Sore Jaw
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I went to Aldi this morning to pick up groceries. We are out of milk, and need some food for the kids, but we need to make sure that we will be getting a turkey for Thanksgiving and Arnesa and her family are coming over. Bobby was really eager to go skating this afternoon, so…
Read MoreDay #4167 (Thu., Jun 3, 2021) – Katie’s Poems
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Katie was up in the middle of the night with sore ears. She hasn’t been cleaning the wax out of her ears, so she has an ear infection. My wife took her to see the doctor today. He gave her some medicine… Writing Activity #4: Identity Poem(this is the one Katie submitted for a contest…
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