Day #5002 (Sat., Sept. 16, 2023) – Bobby’s First Trophy

The whole family drove to martial arts class this morning as today Bobby will be testing for his yellow “stripe” for his white belt. It was quite the elaborate affair, with the higher belts performing various stunts like breaking boards, and punches, kicks, and katas. Bobby tested by performing Form 1 with fellow white belts.…

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Day #3903 (Sat., Sep. 12, 2020) – Katie’s New Curtains

The photo to the right show’s Katie’s new curtains. I took down the lights that I use for “Green Screen” videos as Arnesa said that she would like to borrow them for Ensar’s birthday. Well, Dzenen bought some, so up they go again. In addition, the birthday got moved to tomorrow. My wife bundled up…

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Day #3899 (Tue., Sep. 8, 2020) – Toys For Ensar

Arnesa’s son Ensar has a birthday this weekend. They want to borrow my photo shoot lights. My wife got a quality wooden alligator toy in the mail today as a birthday present. We are gradually going through the alphabet with the toys that we give Ensar and Ayra. Katie’s bookshelf has been painted and assembled…

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