Day #4705 (Wed., Nov. 23, 2022) – Alexa Games

When I woke up this morning the kids said that they wanted Chick-Fil-A for lunch, so off I went…  My wife and I opted to make our own lunch at home to save money.  While we munched away we watched the movie “Disenchanged”, the sequel to “Enchanted” movie with Amy Adams that came out 2008…

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Day #3575 (Sun., Oct. 20, 2019) – Escape Room Craze

The photo to the left shows the transport truck/car that Bobby got at Walmart on Friday.  Bobby built a garage for it out of Legos. On CBS This Morning there was a segment about the Escape Room craze that is spreading accross the nation.  Katie expressed a desire to go to one.  I looked them…

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