Day #2626 (Mon., Mar. 13, 2017) – Photo “Thank-You” Cards

“Five Little Monkeys”. That is all that Bobby seems to want to watch on television these days. Once I put it on he will say “no way” and I have to go find another version. Fussy (and loud) child when he doesn’t get what he wants. Bobby loves to skip rope…or at least run over…

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Day #1705 (Thu., Sep. 4, 2014) – Bravo And Brava

My wife had a hard time waking Katie up this morning so she took Robin in to see her. Katie was very happy to see Robin and thanked my wife for bringing him in. As was the case yesterday, Katie was very happy to see Eleri at school today. In fact, they held hands down…

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Day #774 (Thu., Feb. 16, 2012) – Katie’s Daddy’s Birthday

Today is my birthday. I have a bit of a cold so I don’t feel like celebrating much. Took a huge jug of orange juice with me to work. Katie’s shoe collection keeps growing. You can see her new “strappy sandals” in the photo to the left. Our babysitter was trying to take Katie to…

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