Day #5147 (Thu., Feb. 8, 2024) – Last Allergy Shot!

Bobby is home sick again today. Stomach issues. No martial arts tonight, but he was not ready to test anyway. Since Bobby is not feeling well I didn’t need to get up and take him to Glenwood. I did, however, need to go get my last “regular” allergy shot. As of today, I’m on “maintenance”…

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Day #4997 (Mon., Sept. 11, 2023) – Cane’s Storefront

Today is the “911 Anniversary”.  My oh my how time flies! My wife took both kids to the doctor this morning.  Bobby has an ear infection and nobody seems sure what virus or “whatever” Katie has. I took a drive around town and see that they are working on the storefront of Cane’s (see photo…

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