Day #4005 (Wed., Dec. 23, 2020) – Wrapping Presents

It’s turned cold. The photo to the left shows the tennis ball frozen into the turtle swimming pool. Maybe this will be a fun activity for Maple? Getting her to dig it out… The chore of wrapping Christmas presents is never fun, but this year we have an extra treat… My wife’s boss was getting…

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Day #4003 (Mon., Dec. 21, 2020) – The Egret

Katie and Bobby went for a walk down to the creek today. To their delight they got to see an Egret (see photo to the right). Katie was even able to grab a video of the bird as it flew off. The time has come to wrap up the Christmas gifts. We’re tired so it’s…

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Day #3344 (Sun., Mar. 3, 2019) – Saturn V Launch

Both Katie and Bobby spent the morning making gift bags to give to the kids that will be coming to Bobby’s birthday on Saturday. Katie especially loves this sort of thing. I went to WalMart in Hillsborough. I’m still trying to find that robot “Megatron” or “whatever” you call it doll that Frankie had a…

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