Tag: Glenwood Yearbook
Day #4901 (Wed., June 7, 2023) – Playdate With Lucia
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The photo the the left shows the Glenwood Yearbook that Bobby brought home yesterday. On the drive to Glenwood this morning I asked Bobby what were some of his favorite activities. He mentioned a couple and then I responded with “Do you like to nap”, and got upset and started to cry. I wanted to…
Read MoreDay #4900 (Tue., June 6, 2023) – Bobby’s Yearbook
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I drove Bobby to Glenwood early this morning, as he loves. I asked him why and he said that he loves to arrive early so that he can do his morning work, which is basically a series of homework assignments. Once this is done he can flip the page over and there is a “seek…
Read MoreDay #4118 (Thu., Apr. 15, 2021) – Glenwood Yearbook
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The gates for Maple’s fence have arrived (see photo to the left). Bobby fell down and scrapes his knee this afternoon and needed a bandaid. Due to COVID-19 Glenwood will not be producing a yearbook this year. It’s a shame, as this is Katie’s last year at the school. My wife volunteered to help coordinate…
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