Day #1942 (Wed., Apr. 29, 2015) – Sleeping In Daddy’s Arms

Take a look at the framed art I picked up in Montreal a few years ago (see photo to the left). The white stains are medicine that Katie spit up a while back (she can sure spit). Time to clean this up… When I dropped Katie off at preschool today I gave the four photo…

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Day #1334 (Thu., Aug. 29, 2013) – Toy Jewelry Set

My wife needed me to print out a form for our auto insurance company to accomodate our new nannies, so I drove home to give it to her at noon. On the way I stopped off at Harris-Teeter for supplies. I got food coloring (regular and neon) for Katie’s Play Doh, Clorex Wipes for her…

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