Day #1832 (Fri., Jan. 9, 2015) – Storage Bins For Katie’s Bookcase

The storage bins for Katie’s bookcase came today (see photo to the right). They are a lovely pink/lavender color and work nicely with the rest of the colors in the room. My wife sent me an email this afternoon if I was coming home soon. Judging from Katie’s mood when I got home I can…

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Day #1713 (Fri., Sep. 12, 2014) – Reading The Dictionary

The photo to the left shows the special candies we get at Trader Joe’s. They work wonders at getting Katie out of bed in the morning when she doesn’t want to go to school. Laura, Katie’s teacher, provided some insight today on why Katie was so fussy yesterday at school. Apparently on Wednesday Eleri started…

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Day #1695 (Mon., Aug. 25, 2014) – “Samage”

When I came home from work this evening Katie met me at the door. She wanted a present. I was not going to give her one as she got three presents yesterday but my wife told me that she was extra good today. So, in the end, I gave her a book of butterfly stickers.…

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Day #1196 (Sat., Apr. 13, 2013) – Yellow Alligator Soap Dish

My wife and I decided that we needed to get a new mattress so we packed up Katie and drove out to the Original Mattress Factory near Fearrington Village. While there Katie saw a plastic dinosaur on the table and asked the sales manager if she could buy it. While at Ferrington Katie got to…

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