Day #1498 (Sun., Feb. 9, 2014) – Duke Lemur Center

My wife and I took Katie to the Duke Lemur Center this morning (see photo to the right). We got a discount via Groupon and needed to use it up. Katie was very talkative…in fact, she was the first person who asked a question of the guide. Right in front of all the other people.…

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Day #1495 (Thu., Feb. 6, 2014) – Making A Den

We have a Groupon Coupon for a trip to see Lemurs in Durham that we need to use up. My wife set up an appointment for Sunday morning. I gave Katie another Superman Puzzle this evening (see photo to the right). She marshaled me into putting it together for her. One piece is missing…how fast…

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Day #767 (Thu., Feb. 9, 2012) – Night Out For Two

Katie has a new hobby…putting beads on doorknobs. You can see her efforts in the photo to the left. Four years ago tonight I asked my wife to marry me. In celebration of this anniversary we decided that we would go out to dinner…just the two of us. We had our babysitter Ramona take care…

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Day #539 (Sun., June 26, 2011) – New First Word?

For the past while Katie’s first word in the morning has been “patch” (meaning to draw or color). This is what she has been obsessed with for quite a while now. This morning she uttered a new word…”puck”…short for “bucket”. She we let her down onto the floor she ran to the living room to…

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