Day #1875 (Sat., Feb. 21, 2015) – Chinese New Year

Katie fed Batman one of these treats (see photo to the left) from her hand today…and Batman took it. He’s gradually getting used to Katie bounding around and making a lot of noise. Nothing like food to mend the broken relationship. My wife took Katie to the Chinese music class this morning. When she came…

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Day #1703 (Tue., Sep. 2, 2014) – Preschool Parent’s Night

My wife and I had a doctor’s appointment this morning. Afterwards we went to Guglhupf Bakery for lunch. I had the Americana coffee and we shared a Roast Beef Dip and Reuben Sandwich with Strawberry Tart for dessert. Katie was a real pain when I got home from work. She wanted some chocolate covered blueberries…

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