Day #2471 (Sun., Oct. 9, 2016) – Meeting Kristen

My wife told me that Katie is making a list of do’s after our talk last night. She wants to ensure that she doesn’t miss anything and, as a result, we can have the Halloween party over at our house. The photo to the left shows the sign that she put up on her bedroom…

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Day #2403 (Tue., Aug 2, 2016) – Science Camp Crafts

The photo to the right shows the craft that Katie made in science camp today. On the way home this afternoon we saw a poster for the “Secret Life Of Pets” movie…maybe we will see that this weekend. Lloyd’s tire called…the bill comes to $1300 for all the car repairs. The car needed a new…

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Day #2286 (Thu., Apr. 7, 2016) – Cream On Bobby’s Cheeks

The skin on Bobby’s face is very sensitive and when there is food left on it after eating he can get a rash. The doctor advised putting some cream on his skin to help it heal. You can see it in the photo to the right. I slept in til 8am this morning as my…

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