Day #3546 (Sat., Sept. 21, 2019) – Helen Comes To Play

Bobby has taken to hiding under the couch as of late (see photo to the left). He loves to get under it and yell out Maple’s name and have her come and look for him. My wife took Katie to her 2 hour Chinese class this afternoon. Since Katie didn’t do her homework today she…

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Day #2479 (Mon., Oct. 17, 2016) – Katie’s Art Prize

The photo to the right shows the stairs that Katie made for Bobby last night. It’s my sister’s birthday today. I sent her a birthday greeting via Helen came over to play with Katie this afternoon. Helen ate four hot dogs and Katie only ate one. We made an arrangement so that we would…

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Day #2303 (Sun., Apr. 24, 2016) – Ally Pays A Visit

I went to Trader Joe’s this morning as we were really low on supplies. My wife wrote up a long list of what we needed but I misplaced it somewhere. I think it might have fallen out of my pants when I was at the gym. Wyatt was at our house when I got back…

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Day #2212 (Sun., Jan 24, 2016) – Helen Comes To Play

TJ’s in the AM. Katie wants Cheese Cake. I forgot whip cream but I did get heavy whipping cream so we can make our own. Little Bobby got into the board games this morning (see photo to the right). This is one of the drawbacks of him being more mobile…he can get into anything and…

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