Day #571 (Thu., July 28, 2011) – Toddler Utensils

It’s our babysitter’s birthday and we gave her a gift card to this bead shop that she likes. My wife asked me to stop off at Toy’s R Us today and pick up a set of toddler utensils for Katie (see photo to the right). She is a big girl now and needs to have…

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Day #480 (Thu., Apr. 28, 2011) – Washable Markers

I had to go to an HOA Meeting this evening so I didn’t get the chance to play with Katie very much. The good thing is that the patio screening for our deck area was basically approved. They do want to have some photos of comparable decks that the builder has made, so I will…

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Day #450 (Tue., Mar. 29, 2011) – Screened In Porch…”Go” or “No”

I had to go to an HOA Meeting so I didn’t get back home til late. We discussed our patio screening a bit, but they want to get together without me and discuss it some more. We should know soon if it is a “go” or a “no”… Katie is growing like a weed…so much…

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Day #417 (Thu., Feb. 24, 2011) – Babysitter Shopping Again

As I was driving home from work this evening my wife called me on my cell phone. She said that she had some sad news. Our babysitter was offered more hours at her part-time job and she took it. Although we are sad to see her go, we realize that this is a good opportunity…

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