Day #5306 – (Tue., July 16, 2024) – Huband School Zip Line!

My wife took the kids to viola/violin class this afternoon. Their teacher is moving to Royston, which is near Walmart. This is a better location for us as we no longer have to travel into downtown Courtenay. This afternoon I took a number of photos of the garage and front gate. I’m going to submit…

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Day #4802 (Tue., Feb. 28, 2023) – Flooring Shopping

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning.  PE (i.e.: Physical Education) is on Monday’s and Tuesday’s so he likes school better on these two days.  In addition, he gets to go to Spence’s Farm once school is over. I picked up Katie at Phillips this afternoon.  They are working on Estes Street just in…

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Day #542 (Wed., June 29, 2011) – Microwave Shopping

This afternoon when Katie got tired she went to the nursery door with her sleeping sack and started to bang on it. She wanted to go for a nap. Our babysitter Cathy was surprised at that. This evening we went shopping for a microwave. First to Lowe’s then to Home Depot. Katie loved roaming around…

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