Day #3102 (Wed., Jul 4, 2018) – Independence Day

Today is American Independence Day. We’re going to stay close to home today, but venture out tonight to see the fireworks at the UNC stadium. We have to be careful of Maple eating everything she contacts. She was munching on Katie’s plastic headphones today. Bobby enjoyed some celery on my plate today. He said that…

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Day #1643 (Fri., July 4, 2014) – Independence Day

Hurricane Andrew scraped the coast of North Carolina this morning. High winds, but as it was a fast moving storm there was not the damage that most had feared. I slept in this morning and as soon as I got up my wife wanted to go to bed. She was up early with Katie so…

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Day #182 (Sun., July 4, 2010) – Independence Day

Today is little Katie’s first Independence Day. Not only that…she is 6 months old today!!! She’s too young to eat hot dogs…organic sweet potato will have to do for now. The photo to the right shows another device we have purchased recently. It’s a chopper to cut up little Katie’s baby food into “mush”. Does…

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