Day #3829 (Tue., Jun 30, 2020) – Popcorn Flavoring

Today was the second day of Minecraft training. Katie let Bobby set in on the class for a bit. She is such a good sister. We have new flavorings for the popcorn we make (see photo to the right). We will be using them when we finish off the 2nd part of Narnia – Prince…

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Day #3620 (Wed., Dec. 4, 2019) – Letter To School

My wife took Bobby to the doctor this morning and Katie to school as well. Bobby was well enough to go to school, so my wife took him. The doctor mentioned Bobby’s tongue (see photo to the left). None of us has an indentation like that… I picked Bobby up after school at 1 pm…

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Day #3619 (Tue., Dec. 3, 2019) – TJ’s Advent Calendars

Katie cleaned her room (see photo to the right). I got two Christmas Advent calendars for the kids and one for Maple. Maple’s was MUCH more expensive! We ordered a “Robot Crab” for Katie for Christmas. One present we will be giving Bobby is the two race car tracks I picked up at Walmart during…

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Day #1213 (Tue., Apr. 30, 2013) – Katie Cleans Her Room

I went to Trader Joe’s after work this evening. Got the same ole supplies. Katie is running out of juice packs and my wife wanted me to buy some cold cuts for Katie’s lunch tomorrow (it’s PTA time…). Katie was very fussy this evening so we had to be very careful around her til she…

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