Day #4534 (Sun., Jun. 5, 2022) – RC Dune Buggies

I took my last pill of amoxicillin this morning.  The tickle in my throat is gone, so although I am still weak and coughing a bit, I think I’m good to go.  Time to rest up for our big trip to Ocracoke which starts on Saturday. The RC Dune Buggies arrived via Amazon this afternoon. …

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Day #3645 (Sun., Dec. 29, 2019) – Kiwi Fruit

I need to have both a Daddy/Daughter and Daddy/Son Day before the end of the month. I thought it might be today, but it was not to be. I went on a run to Sam’s Club for supplies this afternoon. Sunday afternoon at Sam’s Club is not exactly the ideal time…but it is what it…

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Day #2233 (Sun., Feb. 14, 2016) – The Vet Game

When Katie got up this morning she wanted to play the vet game (see photo to the right) so I didn’t even get a chance to get any breakfast. I was planning to put up the gate so little Bobby cannot get to Katie’s Legos but my knee was not feeling the best so I…

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Day #1258 (Fri., Jun 14, 2013) – Spiderman Paint Set

I took the day off work so I could do some work on our basement. I waited til Alexa took Katie out as Katie wants to help and this can end up being more work. Alexa took Katie to Michael’s Arts & Crafts Store and they bought some beads to make jewelry with. Alexa says…

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