Day #4114 (Sun., Apr. 11, 2021) – Another Tooth Gone

Bobby really enjoys playing online games with Evan. It’s nice for him to have someone his age to hand out with. Bobby watched some more “Zoids Wild” on Netflix today. I showed Bobby how to preform the “Magic Box” trick. He then and went to show his mother how it works. I think he gets…

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Day #4039 (Tue., Jan. 26, 2021) – Rocket Balloons

They are doing testing at Glenwood. They actually asked Bobby what the meaning of “Theory” is. Can you believe it? At his age? I think because he is doing so good in school they bump up the questions to be harder to find out the level he is at. We have been paying an extra…

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Day #3017 (Tue., Apr. 10, 2018) – “Nickle Day” At Glenwood

Today was “Nickle Day” at Katie’s school. Yesterday she took pennies to give to charity and today it was nickles. It was also “Neon Day” at Katie’s school, where the kids were to wear neon. Katie wore a neon dress. Bobby had his trip to the dentist this morning. He went with the dental assistant…

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Day #2663 (Wed., Apr. 19, 2017) – The Balance Bike Arrives

On the drive to Glenwood this morning Katie wanted to talk about losing her tooth yesterday. I guess that Helen and she were playing a game called “Leopard and Dog” at our house yesterday afternoon. Helen got on top of her and accidentally knocked her tooth out. As it was white they couldn’t find it…

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